Humans May Stay Young For 400 Years

'In principle, if you understand the mechanisms of keeping things repaired, you could keep things going indefinitely,' says Cynthia Kenyon, biochemist at the University of California at San Francisco. In her lab she has increased the life span of tiny worms called Caenorhabditis elegans up to six times their normal lifespan by suppressing a single gene. This regulator gene, named daf-2, in combination with other genes, appears to control an entire cluster of genes that direct aging not only in worms, but in similar genetic pathways in flies, mice and, possibly humans. This is the equivalent of people living for 400 years, and the good news is that the worms stay young for most of their extended lifespans.

Diet it seems is a major contributory factor.An experiment with the worms proves that sugar turns on a genetic sequence that increases the amount of insulin produced by an organism, which in turn causes the body to demand more sugar. This increases damage to cells in the body, speeding up the slow degradation of cells that contribute to aging. Red wine and green tea have been shown to help repair cells and contribute to an increased lifespan.

The most significant finding is that the worms remained vigorous till until the very end of their extended lives. In human terms it would mean that a person would remain young for decades, growing old very slowly. It also suggests a radical new method for treating maladies of aging such as Alzheimer's, Huntington's and some cancers, which might be put off or eliminated if youth is extended. 'Age is the single largest risk factor for an enormous number of diseases,' says Kenyon. 'So if you can essentially postpone aging, then you can have beneficial effects on a whole wide range of disease.'

When asked whether it was possible to be immortal Kenyon says 'I think it might be possible. I'll tell you why. You can think about the life span of a cell being the integral of two vectors in a sense, the force of destruction and the force of prevention, maintenance and repair. In most animals the force of destruction has still got the edge. But why not bump up the genes just a little bit, the maintenance genes. All you have to do is have the maintenance level a little higher. It doesn't have to be much higher. It just has to be a little higher, so that it counterbalances the force of destruction. And don't forget, the germ lineage is immortal. So it's possible at least in principle.'

Energy Drinks Should Be Used With Care

Energy drinks are carbonated beverages containing high amounts of caffeine, sugar and usually some additives such as vitamins, amino acids like taurine and herbal stimulants such as guarana.They are specifically targeted at young people in the age group of 18 to 30 years.They are meant to be used as stimulants.Whatever be the combination of ingredients in a particular brand, caffeine is invariably the central ingredient.Each drink contains about 80mg. of caffeine, about the same as in a cup of coffee or in two cups of tea.Some brands contain caffeine in much higher quantities.It is an expanding market in the US and the total sales of all the brands put together is almost $4billion.The most popular brand currently is the Red Bull Energy drink.Although energy drinks sound healthy and are safe for most people experts warn that there could be risks associated with their consumption for some people.

Some of the brands contain very large amounts of caffeine.Individual responses to caffeine vary and people who are sensitive to it may experience discomfort such as anxiety, palpitations and difficulty sleeping.People with a heart condition should avoid such drinks as caffeine is a stimulant and may cause palpitations.Then again energy drinks contain ingredients which sort of boost the effects of caffeine.The exact action of these substances has not been studied so far and possible side effects have not been fully documented.

Energy drinks are often mixed with alcohol to enhance the 'feel good' buzz.Researchers have found that energy drinks combined with alcohol reduced several alcohol related symptoms such as headaches,dryness of the mouth etc.This may induce people to drink more which may be bad for health.Moreover caffeine causes dehydration which may delay the metabolizing of alcohol by the body.

It must be remembered that energy drinks are not sports drinks.Caffeine in energy drinks promotes dehydration which must be avoided during periods of strenuous physical activity.Sports drinks on the other hand are supposed to do the exact opposite and keep the body hydrated.

Evidence is clearly emerging that energy drinks may be unsafe for some people.It is advisable not to give these drinks to children below ten years of age,pregnant women and people with a heart condition.Even young people should closely watch the effect they have on their mood and behavior.In case any change is noticed it may be advisable to consult a doctor.

Feeling Depressed?Just Take A Walk.

Is there something you can do to help control your clinical depression besides popping pills? The good news is that there is, for almost 20 million Americans who suffer from this illness every year. The problem of depression is more serious than people think because most of the sufferers either do not receive any treatment or only partial treatment.This is because they may be either unaware of their problem, or even if they are aware they may avoid admitting it to their Doctor because of the stigma attached to it.

Latest studies have found that regular moderate exercise is as effective in fighting depression as regular medical treatment. Studies conducted on individuals found that those who engaged in group exercise benefited to almost the same extent as as those who took medical treatment.Those who exercised alone or at home also showed improvement, but to a lesser extent.Those given a placebo showed a markedly lower degree of improvement.

So how much should you exercise?Research suggests that about half an hours' moderate exercise a day, six day's a week, can significantly improve symptoms of depression.Even shorter periods of activity of as little as 10 to 15 minutes a day can lead to improvement.

The reasons why exercise helps are both physical as well as psychological.Exercise boosts the level of mood elevating chemicals, releases tension in muscles, leads to better quality of sleep and reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

The psychological benefits of exercise are that it increases your self confidence.It even makes you feel better about your appearance and increases your self esteem.It also helps in distracting a person from unpleasant thoughts.Regular exercise in a group promotes social interaction and a feeling of security.It encourages a person to push himself harder and may also be safer for people with a medical condition like heart disease.

Starting an exercise routine is not as hard as it seems.The trick is to start with a moderate exercise program.Talk to your Doctor for guidance and support and also identify the form of physical activity you enjoy the most.Just walking your kid to the school bus stop may be enough.Above all don't consider it to be a burden but something that is pleasant and enjoyable.

The advantages of exercise over other forms of treatment are many.It is very cheap compared to medication or a visit to a psychiatrist.It doesn't cause sexual dysfunction or have other potentially fatal side effects when combined with other drugs.In fact it has positive effects on your cardiovascular health and your waistline!

So the next time you have the blues, just take a walk.There is a word of caution though.If your depression persists seek medical help at once. Exercise is not meant to replace the medical treatment of depression.

Skin Care-How To Prevent Wrinkles

Wrinkles are a natural result of the skin's loss of elasticity as it ages.but some behaviors can speed up the process and cause wrinkles prematurely.They are more noticeable on the face, neck and hands.Aging is accompanied by the decreased ability of the body to produce collagen, a protein that is responsible for the integrity of the top layer of the skin and thus leads to a thinning of the skin.Wrinkles usually start where collagen loss is the most.Skin around the eyelids,jaw and neck is naturally thin and this is prone to aging first.

Although there are many treatments in the market none of them can turn the clock back too far and none of them are without risks.Many skin products that claim to reduce wrinkles and prevent aging skin generally consist of static chemicals that 'prop up' the skin temporarily or give it a more appealing appearance.

Nevertheless cosmetics if properly applied can be surprisingly effective in camouflaging the signs of aging skin.Cosmetic therapies include face lifts, laser resurfacing, non-ablative laser-resurfacing and implantation.Products are also available for damaged skin.Alpha hydroxy acids facilitate the shedding of dead skin cells.

Some simple precautions can help delay the aging of your skin.The sun is the biggest enemy of the skin.Excessive exposure to sunlight should be avoided.It is the Ultra Violet (UV) radiations which are the main culprit.Clouds and haze do not protect you and in some cases may actually increase UV intensity.This is because UV intensity depends on the angle of the sun and not on heat or brightness.If you go out in the sun remember to use sunscreens and sunblocks.Wearing sun protective clothing is very important.The use of hats and sunglasses also helps.Excessive exposure to artificial tanning devices should also be avoided.

An active and healthy lifestyle ensures health to all body parts, including our skin.It improves blood circulation,detoxifies the skin and keeps it young and glowing.

Remember to eat a healthy balanced diet which is rich in vitamins and drink plenty of fluids.This protects the collagen and prevents premature aging.

Smoking harms the skin immensely.Quit smoking if you want to look young longer.Getting that eight hours of beauty sleep is also a good idea.

Remember that the skin is a living and breathing tissue.It needs regular care and maintenance.With proper healthy activities and some care you can keep it fresh and young for a long time.

List of health problems because of obesity

Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem, but it can lead to a lot of health problems and complications. The health problems associated with obesity are diabetes, heart diseases, arthritis, stroke, liver disease, gall stones etc.

Obesity is because of eating too many calories and not getting enough physical activities to burn those calories. Excess calories are deposited in the body as fat.

Obesity increases the risk of several health problems like high blood pressure, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, gout, gallstones, colon cancer, sleep apnea and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

High blood pressure: Blood vessels carry blood from heart to different organs of the body and back to heart. The blood vessels have thick but elastic walls for proper flow of blood. Decrease in elasticity of blood vessel wall increases pressure on blood passing through these vessels. Obesity decreases elasticity of blood vessels causing increase in blood pressure.

Diabetes in obesity: Insulin is required for entry of carbohydrate into cells from the blood. The carbohydrate in cell is utilized for energy production by the cells. Excess deposition of fat in the body causes insulin resistance, because of which, insulin cannot perform its function and sugar cannot enter into cells and remain in blood. This leads to diabetes or high blood sugar. High sugar in blood leads to complications in various organs like kidney, eyes, blood vessel, and heart.

Atherosclerosis or fatty deposits in blood vessels: Obesity is associated with increase in levels of bad cholesterol in blood. Increase cholesterol in blood causes atherosclerosis or deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Atherosclerosis reduces the elasticity of blood vessels, narrows blood vessels and decreases blood flow through these vessels. All these changes lead to increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

Heart diseases: Coronary arteries are the blood vessels that supply blood to heart muscles. Atherosclerosis or fatty deposits in coronary arteries in obesity decreases blood supply to heart muscles. Decreased oxygen supply and blood flow to heart can cause angina (chest pain) and complete blockage of blood flow to heart can cause heart attack.

Stroke or paralysis: Atherosclerosis in arteries of brain can reduce blood supply to the brain. This decrease in blood flow can result in stroke or paralysis.

Arthritis: Obesity and overweight increases the load on the joints such as the knee, hip and lower back, which can cause the breakdown of cartilage in the joint. Cartilage is a cushion like structure in a joint required for smooth movement of joints. Breakdown of cartilage in obesity results in joint pain and stiffness and other features of osteoarthritis.

Gout: A type of arthritis caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints. Obesity is associated with increased accumulation of these solid crystal-like masses in joints, which causes inflammation and pain.

Sleep apnea: Overweight and excess fat around neck causes narrowing of airways and leads to sleep apnea. In sleep apnea, person snores heavily and stops breathing for short periods, which results in frequent awakening at night.

Fatty liver disease: Obesity increases the risk of developing liver disease called fatty liver disease due to accumulation of fat in liver.

Gallbladder disease and gallstones: Obesity increases cholesterol deposition in gall bladder, which can lead to formation of gallstones.

So, obesity can lead to a lot of health problems and other complications.

Beauty care - 7 beauty tips

Let's talk about inner beauty care. True beauty begins from the inside out. Outer beauty will only appear when you’ve practiced beauty within.

Knowing how and what to eat, can make a huge difference in how you feel. Improper eating habits can cause depression, overweight, illness and an overall lethargy.

Change your eating and exercising habits. You can do this. Do not try to change everything at once, unless you are just one of those rare individuals that can do that.

Beauty care starts with our diet. Diet does not mean just losing weight. Diet means the food you put in your daily eating habits.

1)A rule of thumb for eating habits are...don't eat more calories than you consume. Don't go one single day without doing something extra and physical for at least 30 minutes per day. This can be three ten minute walks. Or 30 minutes of vigorous aerobics, or 12 minutes of weight lifting and 18 minutes of walking.

2) Water, you need water. Try to add at least 4 more glasses of water to your daily diet. The rule of thumb for water is 8 glasses per day; and one extra for every ten pounds overweight you are.

3) Fats, you need to know about fats. There are different kinds of fats. Some fats are better for you than others. A rule of thumb on fats is, stay away from hydrogenated fats. These are fats that solidify. They are in store bought cakes, cookies, crackers, chips and even in bran muffins. Read the labels.

Choose fats that are polyunsaturated or fats such as olive oil. And, eat some fish to get some omega-3 fats. Carbohydrates - Are your immediate fuel source. An average is about 55 percent of your diet in carbohydrates. So, a rule of thumb is, figure your protein grams, get around 25% fat per day, and the rest would be in carbohydrates. The heavier you are, the more protein you need the less carbohydrates you will need.

Fats - try not to exceed more than 25 percent fat in your daily diet. 30 is fine, too. That does not mean you can't have a junk food fast food hamburger... it just means that if you do eat that 55 percent fat burger that you are going to have to cut down on other fat filled foods for the rest of the day to balance it out.

4) Fiber - work up to getting 25 grams of Fiber per day

5) Protein - averages about 20 percent. Divide weight by 2.2 and multiply that by .8 to get the kilograms. For men it is averages as one gram per each kilogram of weight. So, a man would divide their weight in pounds 2.2 then multiply that by .10

7) Add bran to your cereals for extra fiber. Do add it in your baking. You need to balance your diet with vegetables and fruits, too. Try adding different colors to your plate. Maybe an orange yam, and some green beans, to add color. The more variety of food colors, bring more variety of vitamins. Eat more raw foods.

Remember, exchange things, add things, and do it gradually and remember, live all things in life in moderation and soon you will be bouncy and vibrant and well on your way to living BEAUTIFULLY!

Beauty care - 7 beauty tips

Let's talk about inner beauty care. True beauty begins from the inside out. Outer beauty will only appear when you’ve practiced beauty within.

Knowing how and what to eat, can make a huge difference in how you feel. Improper eating habits can cause depression, overweight, illness and an overall lethargy.

Change your eating and exercising habits. You can do this. Do not try to change everything at once, unless you are just one of those rare individuals that can do that.

Beauty care starts with our diet. Diet does not mean just losing weight. Diet means the food you put in your daily eating habits.

1)A rule of thumb for eating habits are...don't eat more calories than you consume. Don't go one single day without doing something extra and physical for at least 30 minutes per day. This can be three ten minute walks. Or 30 minutes of vigorous aerobics, or 12 minutes of weight lifting and 18 minutes of walking.

2) Water, you need water. Try to add at least 4 more glasses of water to your daily diet. The rule of thumb for water is 8 glasses per day; and one extra for every ten pounds overweight you are.

3) Fats, you need to know about fats. There are different kinds of fats. Some fats are better for you than others. A rule of thumb on fats is, stay away from hydrogenated fats. These are fats that solidify. They are in store bought cakes, cookies, crackers, chips and even in bran muffins. Read the labels.

Choose fats that are polyunsaturated or fats such as olive oil. And, eat some fish to get some omega-3 fats. Carbohydrates - Are your immediate fuel source. An average is about 55 percent of your diet in carbohydrates. So, a rule of thumb is, figure your protein grams, get around 25% fat per day, and the rest would be in carbohydrates. The heavier you are, the more protein you need the less carbohydrates you will need.

Fats - try not to exceed more than 25 percent fat in your daily diet. 30 is fine, too. That does not mean you can't have a junk food fast food hamburger... it just means that if you do eat that 55 percent fat burger that you are going to have to cut down on other fat filled foods for the rest of the day to balance it out.

4) Fiber - work up to getting 25 grams of Fiber per day

5) Protein - averages about 20 percent. Divide weight by 2.2 and multiply that by .8 to get the kilograms. For men it is averages as one gram per each kilogram of weight. So, a man would divide their weight in pounds 2.2 then multiply that by .10

7) Add bran to your cereals for extra fiber. Do add it in your baking. You need to balance your diet with vegetables and fruits, too. Try adding different colors to your plate. Maybe an orange yam, and some green beans, to add color. The more variety of food colors, bring more variety of vitamins. Eat more raw foods.

Remember, exchange things, add things, and do it gradually and remember, live all things in life in moderation and soon you will be bouncy and vibrant and well on your way to living BEAUTIFULLY!