Energy drinks are carbonated beverages containing high amounts of caffeine, sugar and usually some additives such as vitamins, amino acids like taurine and herbal stimulants such as guarana.They are specifically targeted at young people in the age group of 18 to 30 years.They are meant to be used as stimulants.Whatever be the combination of ingredients in a particular brand, caffeine is invariably the central ingredient.Each drink contains about 80mg. of caffeine, about the same as in a cup of coffee or in two cups of tea.Some brands contain caffeine in much higher quantities.It is an expanding market in the US and the total sales of all the brands put together is almost $4billion.The most popular brand currently is the Red Bull Energy drink.Although energy drinks sound healthy and are safe for most people experts warn that there could be risks associated with their consumption for some people.
Some of the brands contain very large amounts of caffeine.Individual responses to caffeine vary and people who are sensitive to it may experience discomfort such as anxiety, palpitations and difficulty sleeping.People with a heart condition should avoid such drinks as caffeine is a stimulant and may cause palpitations.Then again energy drinks contain ingredients which sort of boost the effects of caffeine.The exact action of these substances has not been studied so far and possible side effects have not been fully documented.
Energy drinks are often mixed with alcohol to enhance the 'feel good' buzz.Researchers have found that energy drinks combined with alcohol reduced several alcohol related symptoms such as headaches,dryness of the mouth etc.This may induce people to drink more which may be bad for health.Moreover caffeine causes dehydration which may delay the metabolizing of alcohol by the body.
It must be remembered that energy drinks are not sports drinks.Caffeine in energy drinks promotes dehydration which must be avoided during periods of strenuous physical activity.Sports drinks on the other hand are supposed to do the exact opposite and keep the body hydrated.
Evidence is clearly emerging that energy drinks may be unsafe for some people.It is advisable not to give these drinks to children below ten years of age,pregnant women and people with a heart condition.Even young people should closely watch the effect they have on their mood and behavior.In case any change is noticed it may be advisable to consult a doctor.